
Ybykty say gorge

Another masterpiece of the amazing nature of the Mangystau region is the fascinating Ybykty Sai gorge. It is likely that people who have not previously had a chance to see the ravine with their own eyes, which became widely recognized only in subsequent years, may wonder what is so special about it. Firstly, the name itself is unique. Secondly, those who have seen it with their own eyes cannot but admire its unique appearance, unlike other natural objects of the region.

The Ybykty Sai Gorge can really be called a wonderful creation of nature. It was as if an unsurpassed master, who created a diverse relief of lofty mountains and flat steppes, dense green forests and deserts of the whole globe, was inspired, opened his unique gaze and carved unique patterns on the walls of Ybykty Sai. This is evidenced by these photos.

There are three assumptions as to how such an unusual architecture of the ravine arose. The first is the effect of the incessant wind in these places. The second is precipitation, and the third is the effect of shifting lithospheric plates and earthquakes.

In all likelihood, all of the above reasons could have influenced the formation of an unusually amazing kind of ravine that we are now seeing.

The miracle of this place is that, despite the fact that in summer the air temperature in these parts reaches 30-40 degrees, in the Ybykty Sai gorge itself it is always cool.

Sometimes the gorge is called “The Wall”. This is how it was indicated on maps of Soviet times. But local residents mostly call this place “Ybykty sai”. There are several assumptions regarding the origin of the word “ybykty”. One of them refers to the famous work of Mahmud Kashgari “ The Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk” and suggests that the word “ybyk” can mean the ancient Turkic word “goat”, that is, a mountain goat. This assumption makes sense. Because in the surrounding area there is a place called “Eliktau”, which means “roe deer mountain”. And since at that time mountain goats and roe deer lived in the surrounding area, people themselves may have nicknamed these places as “ybykty”, “elikty”.

If you want to see the Ybykty Sai gorge with your own eyes, come to Mangystau. Ybykty Sai is located in the Tupkaragan district of the region, 103 kilometers northeast of the city of Aktau and four kilometers from the Mangystau-Beineu railway, 13.5 kilometers from the Karaman-ata underground mosque.